. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .
Bridge (hashi 橋)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity

colors moving
in clear water -
a bridge to you
© Gabi Greve, Takamatsu, Ritsurin Park
A bridge in the sky, RAINBOW
kigo for all summer
Kamo Ohashi (Kamo oohashi 賀茂大橋)
The great bridge over the Kamo River in Kyoto
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Kamogawa Odori 鴨川踊 Kamogawa Dance .
and the "long" bridge over the Kamo River 京師 Keishi
by Ando Hiroshige 1797-1858
kageroo ya Kamo no oohashi uki-shizumi
heat shimmers -
the great bridge over Kamo river
bobs up and down
Hyakushoo 百姓
meganebashi 眼鏡橋 Eyeglass Bridge
Nishi Ôtani (Nishi Ôtani Megane-bashi) - Kyoto

Hasegawa Sadanobu I (1809–1879).
Famous Places in the Capital (Miyako meisho no uchi)
「都名所之内 西大谷 目鏡橋
- quote -
Meganebashi 眼鏡橋 or Spectacles Bridge,
over the Nakashima River (中島川) was built in Nagasaki in 1634 by the Japanese monk Mokusu of Kofukuji Temple. It is said to be the oldest stone arch bridge in Japan and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property. It received the nickname "Spectacles Bridge" because its two arches and their reflection in the water create the image of a pair of spectacles. On July 23, 1982, a disastrous deluge washed away six of the ten stone bridges over the Nakashima River.
Meganebashi was badly damaged but fortunately almost all the original stones were retrieved and the bridge was restored to its original appearance.
There is a similar but larger "Spectacles Bridge" in Isahaya Park.
- source : wikipedia -
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Shijoo oohashi 四条大橋 big bridge at Shijo
Gojoo oohashi 五条大橋 big bridge at Gojo
. Kyoto (Hana no Miyako) .
Onibashi 鬼橋 the Demon Bridge
This bridge has been constructed during the times of the Great Deities, when Taishaku Ten had the demons build it in one night.
In former times, when you could pass this bridge, it would lead you to the Buddhist Paradise.
If you could not pass this bridge, it would lead you to a life in Hell.
Some legends say a demon threw himself over the river to become a bridge.
Other legends say a demon was slain and the Lord of the Region placed his dead body over the river as a bridge.
Some Onibashi are made of stone, with a supporting pillar in the middle. This pillar is the body of a demon.
. Taishakuten 帝釈天 Taishaku Ten .
- - - - - Legends about Bridges - 576 entries
- source : yokai database -
. Ryōgokubashi 両国橋 Ryogoku Bridge .
Ryōgoku 両国 Ryogoku district in Edo
Yatsuhashi 八橋 means "eight bridges."
It is named for a location on the Azuma River renowned in Japanese literature, where the water branched into eight channels, each with its own bridge. It is also thought that on crooked bridges one can avoid evil spirits that flow in straight lines.
Iris and the Yatsuhashi bridge are the subject of many folding screens and other works of art.
Read more about Iris and the Yatsuhashi bridge here.
. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .
Nihonbashi, The Central Bridge of Edo 日本橋

. Nihonbashi bridge 日本橋 and Haiku

一文橋 Ichimonbashi, Kyoto, Nagaoka
samushiro ya Ichimonbashi mo kiri no tatsu
small straw mat -
even on Ichimonbashi
mist rises
Kobayashi Issa
Explanation from Nakamura Sakuo:
At Issa’s time, there was a badge keeper who asked passengers to pay a toll that was one mon 文 (currency small unit ) that is similar to 1 yen or 1 cent.
Whose property is the small straw mat? It was a beggar’s who sat on the mat at the bridge site , asking “Give me a cent “ ( a mon 文).
Do you find poetic pillow word 枕詞 that is sa in samushiro . By this [sa] Issa pictured the poor scene as beautiful poetic scene.
samushiro さむしろ【狭筵】

Snow at Kamibashi Bridge, Nikko
1930 woodblock print by Hasui Kawase
Hasui Kawase (1883 – 1957) 川瀬 巴水
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
***** Setabashi Bridge at Lake Biwa
The Inland Sea Bridges Road, Shimanami Kaidoo
Gabi Greve about a Haiku Pilgrimage along this road.

submerging bridges along the Shimanto River,
chinkabashi, Shikoku
沈下橋, 四万十川, 四国

Hanging Bridge in Iya Valley, Shikoku
かずら橋, 祖谷山 Kazurabashi

Rainbow Bridge, Yokohama

Many Photos
Worldwide use

London Bridge
she still remembers
the songs from the past -
London bridge
Gabi Greve
in memory of my grandmother

Manila, Philippies, Quezon Bridge
at 6:00 P.M.
the stench of the hanging
Quezon Bridge
night trip
an almost empty ferry boat
passes by the bridge
Willie Bongcaron, Urban Haiku

Sidney Harbour Bridge
at Pylon Point
atop the Harbour Bridge
a ship crawls in
Sunil Uniyal
Things found on the way
Search for the enlightened
and you will not achieve a tranquil mind.
Travel to the ultimate source
and you will encounter a broken bridge.
Chijue Daochong 癡絶道冲 (J., Chizetsu Dochu)
Chinese Zen master, 1169–1250
. Enkiribashi 縁切り橋 bridge to cut off bad luck .
- - - - - Bridges in Edo to be explored
Senju Ohashi 千住大橋、六郷橋 Rokugo hashi (六郷川 Rokugogawa)
Shin Ohashi 新大橋 in 1693
Eitaibashi 新大橋 in 1696
. Famous Places of Edo .
building bridges
where there is no river--
the politician
R. K. Singh, India, May 2006
On the wind swayed bridge
Ganges pilgrims, eyes downcast
Humbly gaze below
© michael epstein, 11-24-03
From the Shiki Kukai April 2007
mountain bridge —
I pass through
the clouds
Kala Ramesh
April rain --
the floods carry
away the bridge
~ Lazarus Ogembo
barefoot bridge --
a boy tiptoes on a log
across the stream
-- Anne Nechesa
salvation --
my only bridge
to heaven
~ Francis Mwangangi
pedestrian bridge —
memories of the madman
who lived here
Isabelle Prondzynski
About a bridge in Osaka, Japan
viewing the bridge
changing colours
the couple move away
Alan Summers & Ian Turner
Publications credits: Presence
footsteps halt
on the wooden bridge -
white pond lilies
- Shared by Tomislav Maretic, Croatia -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
observance kigo for early autumn
. kasasagi no hashi 鵲の橋 "magpie bridge" .
On the Tanabata star festival night, magpies come togther to build a bridge with their wings to make the stars reach each other.
..... hoshi no hashi 星の橋(ほしのはし)bridge for the stars
yukiai no hashi 行合の橋(ゆきあいのはし)bridge to meet
yoriba no hashi 寄羽の橋(よりばのはし)
ama no sayohashi 天の小夜橋(あまのさよはし)
momiji no hashi 紅葉の橋(もみじのはし)"red leaves bridge"
ujaku no hashi 烏鵲の橋(うじゃくのはし) magpie bridge

The Hanging-cloud Bridge at Mount Gyodo near Ashikaga
(Ashikaga Gyōdōzan kumo no kakehashi)
“Unusual Views of Celebrated Bridges in the Provinces”
Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)
source : kiritz.jp/2012/08/hokusai
***** River (kawa)
***** Rainbow (niji)
***** China : Anji Bridge
***** Bridges in the USA
Bay Bridge San Francisco
Brooklyn Bridge New York
. Urban Haiku and Senryu
. Place Names used in Haiku
- #bridge #hashi -
Is there any relation between the bridge and cake named Yatuhasi?
summer solstice --
between me and my father
wind on the bridge
オルガ・フーパー(Olga Hooper)
English HAIKU 英語俳句の部
2008 Genkissu! Spirits Up!
Thanks for this translation, Gabi-san.
You introduce to poets many of us are not familiar with. We are grateful.
hashimori no nabebuta funde naku chidori
plovers cry out
walk on the bridge guard's
cooking pot lid
Tr. Chris Drake
Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶
freezing fog...
driving with ghosts
on the Golden Gate
Jimmy ThePeach
With a great photo HERE
on facebook
Matsuo Basho and the Great Bridge of Fukagawa 深川大橋
Fukagawa Oohashi
2 hokku
MORE about Fukagawa
shakkyoo 石橋 Shakkyô
A legendary stone bridge, 30 centimeters in width, 30 meters in length, located on top of mount Seiryô in China and overlooking a bottomless precipice.
This is the title of a famous Nô drama, telling the story of a Japanese aristocrat who has renounced the world to become a priest and goes to China in order to find and pray on top of mount Seiryô in front of the grave of Monju Bosatsu, a disciple of Buddha usually depicted as either riding or leading on a leash a Lion look-alike creature.
In Kabuki, the Shakkyô is the background of beautiful Lion dances.
"This lion is invariably associated with the peony flower which attracts him, and butterflies which irritate him. The peony affords the decorative color for a stage property, and the butterflies create movement. In this there is a basic esthetic satisfaction for the spectator in witnessing an expression of the duality of the lion's nature--repose (symbolized by the peonies) and anger (aroused by the butterflies)."
清涼山 Seiryôzan
Mount Seiryô in China.
source : kabuki glossary
Yosa Buson
kangetsu ya zoo ni yuki-au hashi no ue
this cold moon -
I meet a monk
on the bridge
Eitaibashi 永代橋 Eitai-bashi bridge
EDO - Tokyo
Kobayashi Issa - Ichimonbashi
tsuki sashite ichi mon hashi no harube kana
moon shining
on a one-penny bridge...
The mon was the basic currency of Issa's time. It took the form of a coin with a hole in its middle so that it could be strung on a string. In Issa's day six mon could pay for a bowl of rice. In this haiku, even though the toll is cost over twenty pennies in modern currency, I have kept it in my translation as a "one-penny bridge" to emphasize its cheapness and the fact that only one small coin is required.
David Lanoue
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
Kobayashi Issa - kakehashi
kakehashi ya bonnin waza ni sori o hiku
hanging bridge--
most folks skillfully drag
their snow sleds
Is Issa implying that some brave souls dare to ride their sleds across? "Ordinary people" (bonnin) "skillfully" (waza ni) drag their sleds.
David Lanoue
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