Sunset (nichibotsu, yuuhi, hi no iri)
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Heaven
Sunset - Sunrise again!
The West, where the sun sets, is the location of the Buddhist Paradise of the West, where the souls of those gone can dwell in everlasting joy.
The following are not kigo when used alone just like this.
sun goes down, nichibotsu 日没
evening sun, yuuhi 夕日
hi no iri 日の入り
irihi 入日
hi no kure 日の暮れ
yuyake 夕焼 sunset, Abendrot
夕焼雲 clouds in the sunset
梅雨夕焼 sunset in the rainy season
kigo for late summer
To express a different season for your sunset,
you have to add another word, for example
spring sunset, haru no yuuhi 春の夕日
..... haru no yuyake 春の夕焼 (はるのゆうやけ)
..... haru yuyake 春夕焼(はるゆやけ)
..... haru akane 春茜(はるあかね)
autumn sunset, aki no yuuyake 秋の夕焼、
..... aki yuuyake 秋夕焼
winter sunset, fuyu yuuyake 冬夕焼, ふゆゆうやけ
..... fuyu akane 冬茜(ふゆあかね)
sunset in the cold, kan yuuyake 寒夕焼(かんゆうやけ
..... kan akane 寒茜(かんあかね)
HEAVEN in all seasons
kigo for late summer
yuuyake 夕焼 (ゆうやけ) the glow of the sky at sunset;
a sunset; the evening glow; the afterglow
..... yuyake ゆやけ
yuuyakegumo 夕焼雲(ゆうやけぐも) clouds at an evening glow, sunset clouds

kigo for alll autumn
autumn sunset, aki no yuuyake 秋の夕焼、
..... aki yuuyake 秋夕焼
tsurube otoshi 釣瓶落し (つるべおとし) fast sunset in autumn
lit. "the sun goes down like a bucket in the well"
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
aki no rakujitsu 秋の落日(あきのらくじつ) fast sunset in autumn
Worldwide use
Look at all these spectacular SUNSET photos on the internet.
Things found on the way
A beautiful Sunset and Sunrise with the sun just a little in the water, looking almost like Daruma san, is called Daruma Sunrise / Daruma Sunset。

source : kochilove.blog95
Daruma Sunset だるま夕日
my PHOTOS about Daruma Sunset
達磨記 きょうの夕日もだるま色
Daruma ki kyoo no yuuhi mo Daruma iro
Daruma Anniversary!
The sunset tonight
In Daruma Colors.
Gabi Greve, 2004
My LINKS to more Daruma Sunset

Click for more photos !
Kobayashi Issa and the Sunset
naku hibari hito no kao kara hi no kururu

a skylark sings--
a man facing sunset
Haiga by Nakamura Sakuo
hi no kure no yama o mikakete ikanobori
over the sunset mountain...
a kite
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
Yosa Buson and the Sunset
At sunset
The sound of pheasant shootingl
Near the spring mountainside.
Having reddened the plum blossoms,
The sunset attacks
Oaks and pines.
source : thegreenleaf.co.uk

summer sunset -
the gentle murmer
of the waves
Gabi Greve
© Photo by Amy Chavez, Shiraishi, June 2006
from the tallest iris
he partakes of the sunset
the tiny frog
Iris and the Frog. Look at him here. Gabi Greve
a cool breeze
from the depth of the universe -
sunset in the valley
The Universe sparkles. Haiku by Gabi Greve
winter sunset -
a little pink hope
for tomorrow
. Gabi Greve, December 2010
LOOK at the photos here !
There, where eagles fly,
Heaven's gold is boldly splashed
As red orb sinks west
C.L. Hanna (with photo)
The sunset glow―
as if still burning
WKD : Children of Hiroshima
sunset ...
the egret's reflection
- Shared by John Wisdom -
Joys of Japan, August 2012
Related words
***** Sunrise , hi no de 日の出
topic for every day
asayake 朝焼 (あさやけ ) a morning glow;
the glow of the predawn sun
kigo for late summer
a circle of blood
where knee touches net
african sunrise
Stephen Davies
sunrise -
my old neighbour
folds his hands
Morgenrot -
mein greiser Nachbar
faltet die Hände
Gabi Greve, 1997
The traditional Japapanese prays and bows to the sun (o-tentoo sama) every morning.

***** goraigoo 御来迎 ごらいごう
sunrise seen from a mountain
goraikoo 御来光(ごらいこう)
kigo for late summer
Most popular it is seen from Mount Fuji, where it reminds people of the rising of a Buddhist deity, coming to welcome a human soul right after death.
***** WKD : First Sun, First Sunrise
Daruma Asahi
asahi 朝日 morning sun
two kigo
haru no asahi 春の朝日(はるのあさひ)
morning sun in spring
natsu asahi 夏朝日(なつあさひ)
morning sun in summer
***** nishibi 西日 (にしび) afternoon sun
kigo for late summer
oonishibi 大西日(おおにしび)"great afternoon sun"
nishibi sasu 西日さす(にしびさす)afternoon sun is shining
nishibi no ya 西日の矢(にしびのや)"arrow of the afternoon sun"
nishibi naka 西日中(にしびなか)to be in the afternoon sun
nishibi otsu 西日落つ(にしびおつ) afternoon sun is going down
***** Twilight, dusk (kure) a KIGO list
watching the sunset -
a tiny ant crawls
over my big toe
. Look at it HERE !!! .
Gabi Greve, July 2006
nishi no sora
higashi no sora mo
moete ori
the sky in the west
the sky in the east -
all burning
Look Here !
Gabi Greve, August 2006 .
after a strong rainshower, we got this special celestial show !
Firing the sky at last
the Sun retires
in the dark.
(c)Aju Mukhopadhyay, India, 2007
drawn-out sunset
the dog makes a circle
and lies down again
George Hawkins
mountain's red leaves
the setting sun returns
to the sky
yama momiji irihi o sora e kaesu kana
by Issa, 1792
Literally, Issa says that the autumn foliage "returns the setting sun to the sky" (irihi wo sora e kaesu). Is he saying that the leaves on the mountain are so bright and red, the setting sun has returned to the sky?
My earlier translation was freer: the mountain's red leaves unset the sun
Shinji Ogawa has also mulled over this haiku. He suggests that perhaps "the red leaves reflect the rays of the evening sun to the sky; that is why the sky glows so red."
Based on this theory, he translates: the mountain's red leaves return the sunbeam to the sky
In his more literal French version, Jean Cholley has the mountain maples make the setting sun "remonter" ("go up again");
En village de miséreux: Choix de poèmes de Kobayashi Issa (Paris: Gallimard, 1996) 35.
Tr. David Lanoue
hito ni hito kagashi ni kagashi hi no kururu
end of the day ...
for the scarecrows
for the people
Tr. Gabi Greve
Spring sunset---
a tennis ball bounces back
and forth till it's dark
Fred Masarani
(Joys of Japan)
tsurube otoshi 釣瓶落し
a legend from Fukui 福井県
tsurube otoshi 釣瓶落し "throwing a well-bucket"
Once there was a large Zelkova tree and when someone passed it by night, a well-bucket fell down from the tree top and hurt the person. So to our day it is called the "Well-Bucket Throwing Tree" and people do not dare to pass here at night.
keyaki 欅 と 伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree
Hi Gabi...
We haven't talked for quite some time. I am still writing, in many format, but haiku is still one of my favorites and I often use non-seasonal topics. This is one I wrote this summer about our Canadian prairie sunsets.
night falls
the sun pulls the horizon
over its head
Thanks for keeping this site running and as always a very interesting and informative one.
Dr. Gerald Bravi / briccone
釣瓶落し tsurube otoshi
8 legends to explore
Legend from Aichi 愛知県
. tsurube otoshi 釣瓶落し throwing a well bucket .
Small branches keep falling down from a tree. This is a huge sugi 杉 cedar tree, where an Oni lives. He used a golden well bucket to scoop up people who passed here in the evening.
Tengu legend from Fukui
Sometimes there is the sound of something coming from above, that is the Tengu. He sits on an old tree and if a child has done something bad, he pulls it up (in a bucket).
Tengu also like fire. If someone walks alone at night and sees a flame, he is surely fooled by the Tengu.
(painting by Mizuki Shigeru)
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