Rock (iwa)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Earth
The word ROCK 岩 iwa just like this is not a kigo,
but a common topic for haiku.
boulder ボルダー big rather round rock
cliff 崖 gake
and other natural formations of this kind.
The word STONE 石 ishi just like this is also not a kigo,
but a common topic for haiku.

talk to me -
your moving silence
makes me shiver
Let us look at some kigo with rocks!
kigo for all spring
iwa oboro 岩朧(いわおぼろ)rock in spring haze
. Spring haziness, Spring mistiness , haze, hazy 朧 oboro
kigo for early spring
. iwa nori, iwanori 岩海苔 いわのり "rock laver"seaweed
kigo for late spring
. shiohi iwa 汐干岩(しおひいわ)rocks in the tideland
kigo for all summer
. iwa shimizu 岩清水 fresh water from the rocks
kigo for late autumn
Iwakura matsuri 岩倉祭 (いわくらまつり) "festival of the rock cave"
shiritataki matsuri 尻たたき祭(しりたたきまつり)
festival of hitting the backside
on the 15th day of the 9th lunar month
at Iwakura Town, Kyoto. Shrine Iwakura Jinja 石座神社
Look at some photos of the shrine
source : kinki/iwakura.htm
This is the festival of Kitayama Iwakura Myoojin, a local deity of Iwakura.
北山石蔵明神祭 Iwakura Myojin
Newly married women come here to pray for getting pregnant and have their back hit by a sacred branch.
This festival has become obsolete in the Meiji period.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
not related to this
. Iwakura waterfall and temple Daiun-Ji 岩倉大雲寺 .
Worldwide use
Uluru (Ayers Rock) Australia
Things found on the way

rock garden, stone garden 枯山水 karesansui
"dry garden"

. Stone Garden at Takahashi, Japan
enlightenment stones
in the temple garden -
summer heat
Gabi Greve, Summer 2005
. Kobori Enshu 小堀遠州 (1579 - 1647)
and his rock gardens

. Rocks and stones called DARUMA だるま岩 / 岩だるま
. Rocks called FUDO 不動岩 Fudo Myo-O Cliffs
. Iwaza 岩座 (いわざ)"rock seat"
for a Buddhist Deity statue
. meoto-iwa 夫婦岩 rock-formation like "a loving couple"
shizukesa ya iwa ni shimi-iru semi no koe
deep silence -
the shrill of cicadas
seeps into rocks
grosse Stille -
das Schrillen der Zikaden
dringt in die Felsen
Matsuo Basho
Tr. Gabi Greve
Discussing various translations
. WKD : Basho at temple Yamadera
waiting for balmy days
a boulder stands
counting stars
Bamdev Sharma
Nepal, December 2010
Related words
. Mountain (yama) Peak (gake) hill (oka) .
Inkstone (suzuri) and related KIGO Japan
Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi, Japan)
weight lifting
Silence and Stones
Stepping stones Kenya in the rain
Stone buddha (sekibutsu, ishi botoke) Japan
Stone Lantern (ishidooroo) Japan
Stone wall (stonewall) (ishigaki) Japan
iwagaki 岩牡蠣 "oysters from rocky shores"
. iwa hibari 岩鷚 (いわひばり) Alpine Accentor, a kind of lark
..... "rock sparrow", take suzume 岳雀(たけすずめ)
Prunella collaris
. iwagani 岩蟹 rock crabs
. iwa tsutsuji 岩躑躅(いわつつじ) "rock azalea" robes
. Uba Gongen 姥権現 Stone boulder Deity
. Stone Carvings and Sculptures
Magaibutsu 磨崖仏
Ichimai-iwa no kanki kana
Summer haze:
Single Boulder
Ban’ya Natsuishi
The Japanese garden evolved from the landscaping of gardens and it developed into an original art form to become an important part of the Japanese culture.
The art of Japanese garden is closely associated with the art of architecture and the stone arrangement which are the integral part of the comprehensive art of gardens.
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