Windows (mado)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
A window to see the outside.
A window to see the inside.

Temple Hoorin-Ji, Kyoto, the Daruma Temple:
The windows are mostly shaped in the form of Daruma.
Read my Entry about Temple Hoorin-ji and Daruma
More about Japanese Temple Windows:
JAANUS / mado 窓
... ... ...
Long live the internet !
Click here to see all the windows of the world.

to open the north window, kita-mado hiraku 北窓開く
kigo for mid-spring
Especially in Northern Japan, where winter is long and brings much snow, the northern windows are coverd with strong wooden planks during winter time.
Worldwide use
South Rose Window at Notre Dame, Paris

Read more about it here:
Rose-windows of the Gothic Cathetrals.
A circular window, with mullions and traceries generally radiating from the centre, and filled with stained glasses. The term is suggested by the fancied resemblance of the window with its traceries to the rose and its petals. The rose window is one of the most beautiful and characteristic features of medieval architecture, especially of the French Gothic, in which it achieved its most perfect development. Its origin is to be found in the Roman oculus. During the Romanesque period the oculus became a window, and from about the middle of the twelfth century its dimensions began to increase with the development of gothic of Gothic architecture.
By the middle of the thirteenth century it had attained the greatest possible size -- the entire width of the nave. Its possible size -- the entire width of the nave. Its splendour continued in France until the misfortunes of the later fourteenth and fifteenth centuries prevented the construction of large churches. The most beautiful examples of rose windows are to be found in the Ile de France and the adjoining provinces, Picardy and Champagne.
The earliest important examples are the west rose of the Cathedral of Mantes (c. 1200); the west rose of Notre Dame of Paris (c. 1220), the most beautiful of all, and those of Laon and Chartres. In al these cases the rose was put under a circular arch. The next important step was to put it under a pointed arch, as was done in the beautiful rose windows of the Cathedral of Reims, 1230, as well in the transepts as in the later roses of the facade. Thereupon the rose was inscribed in square, with pierced spandrils as in the transepts of Notre Dame of Paris (1257).
The last step was to place the rose in the tier of lower windows, in which case it became the centre of a vast window composition, covering the whole end of the transepts, as in Rouen Cathedral.
Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight
Read more here
Another LINK

© 2000/2002 J.T. Thorpe
Mandala, another form of the Rose Window
World Kigo Database: Mandala
Things found on the way
The Windows of Babel by Gabi Greve

a small window at the bottom near the tatami, so that people can look out when sitting (and brush out the dirt when cleaning).
Shiki was most probably lying in his sickbed and had only this perspective.
ki o tsumite yo no akeyasuki komado kana
the tree cut,
dawn breaks early
at my little window
Tr. Beichmann
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

shaping my view
of the world -
temple windows
Look at more of my windows of Japanese Zen Temples
© Gabi Greve
Through glass in glass
in walls across the street:
sun and seagulls
Do you get the impression that I spend most of my time starting through my windows?
Jim Mullins
A Window's Haiku

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
spring thunder -
the rattling window panes
in my kitchen
Gabi Greve, 2006. Look at them here.
a young doe
peeps through the window
somewhere your voice
Norman Darlington
First published in Hermitage, 2005
Haiga from Natalia L. Rudychev

sunset -
through the window
wing harvests clouds
Related words
***** Window Frost, itemado 凍窓(いてまど)
kigo for winter
***** young leaves seen from the window
mado wakaba 窓若葉(まどわかば)
kigo for early spring
In the Cold Parts of Northern Japan, here is a seasonal custom concerning the window and protecting it from the cold winds of the area by adding strong wooden plates.
Shoveling snow from the roofs to protect the house from collapsing will add more snow to the north walls of a home, and this huge amount of snow is the last to melt in late spring.
***** Closing the North-Window, kitamado fusagu
北窓塞ぐ きたまどふさぐ
kigo for early winter
kitamado tojiru 北窓閉じる(きたまどとじる)
kitamado nuru 北窓塗る(きたまどぬる)
kita fusagu, 北塞ぐ(きたふさぐ)
***** Opening the North-Window, kitamado hiraku
北窓開く きたまどひらく
kigo for mid-spring
The windows were necessary to let a fresh breeze in during the hot summer months.
The temperature difference between the warm front yard and the cooler backyard provides a great natural "air conditioning".
see also the topic:
. yajiri 屋尻 the back yard .
. Home - Living at home in all seasons .
mado akete mado ippai no haru
I open the window -
a whole window
filled with spring
Santoka 山頭火
To read the discussion, click on the Haiku !
ura mado ya shika no kidori ni inu no koe
back window--
the deer strikes a pose
the dog barks
Kobayashi Issa
(Tr. David Lanoue)
Matsuo Basho about
- fuyugomori 冬篭り winter confinement, winter isolation, wintering -
sashikomoru さしこもる【鎖し籠もる】- To keep the doors and windows shut and stay indoors.
uguisu no hatsune ni kita no mado o ake
at the first sound
of the bush warbler the north windows
are opened
senryu in Edo
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