Blue Moon ブルー・ムーン
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Heaven

"Full moon at Arakawa River" 荒川の月
川瀬 巴水 - Hasui Kawase (1883-1957) - 1929
blue moon - a full moon that rises twice in one month
sometimes the days of the month are less than the cycle of the moon, which is 29.5 days. This can cause the moon to rise twice in one month, near the first and the last days of the same month. It is said that blue moons happen every 33 months or about every 3 years. This relatively rare occurrence has spawned the saying "once in a blue moon".
source : www.moonconnection.com
A blue moon is the appearance of
the third full moon in a season with four full moons.
The term has also mistakenly been used to refer to the second full moon in a month.
Most years have twelve full moons that occur approximately monthly.
The most literal meaning of blue moon is when the moon (not necessarily a full moon) appears to a casual observer to be unusually bluish, which is a rare event.
The effect can be caused by smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere,...
Using the Maine Farmers' Almanac definition of blue moon
(meaning the third full moon in a season of four full moons), blue moons occur
November 21, 2010
August 21, 2013
May 21, 2016
May 18, 2019
Two full moons in one month:
2009: December 2, December 31 (partial lunar eclipse visible in some parts of the world), only in time zones west of UTC+05.
2010: January 1 (partial lunar eclipse), January 30, only in time zones east of UTC+04:30.
2010: March 1, March 30, only in time zones east of UTC+07.
2012: August 2, August 31, only in time zones west of UTC+10.
2012: September 1, September 30, only in time zones east of UTC+10:30.
2015: July 2, July 31
2018: January 2, January 31
2018: March 2, March 31
2020: October 1, October 31
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Moon Viewing
Seattle Japanese Garden

source : www.seattlejapanesegarden.org
Ella Fitzgerald - Blue Moon
source : www.youtube.com
a blue moon
on New Year's Eve --
I'll make a resolution
January 2010
- - - - - August 31, September 01 2012
Blue Moon Party
Blue Moon Party -
even our cocktail
fits the situation

Blue moon cocktails
are a fun, frozen martini featuring blue curaçao, vanilla syrup ,
and fresh orange juice. . .
- Reference and Recipies -
moon of autumn -
radiating blue
your eyes
Alex Serban, Romania
blue moon
I hatch a dimple
on her left chin
Dr. Kumarendra Mallick, India

Blue Moon last night -- the view from our lawn.
Origa Origa Kankodori Press, FB
- Shared by Joys of Japan, August 2012 -

you always remember
your first love
Blue Moon
Ed Bremson, USA
RIP Neil Armstrong
photo by Veronika Zora Novak

Rosie Mann, India
blue moon
above the edge of
a black forest
blue moon –
the crickets sing
just as yesterday
Tomislav Maretic, Croatia
blue moon...
floating in the river,
just near the bank
the clamor of our gang –
hello to Blue Moon!
Emil Bobinac, Croatia
Almost autumn
My heart is pounding wild
Looking at the Blue Moon
Kristjaan Panneman, Holland

Kayo Mizutani, Japan
blue moon...
passing time on a
summer stem
Louis Osofsky, USA

Blue Moon
Cool breeze returns to the woods
The Bamboo shivers
Res John Burman, USA
blue moon --
in my sleep once more
the lost dream
blue moon--
I saw you last night
floating in her eyes
Arvinder Kaur, India
blue moon night –
in yellow moonlight the cricket
sings its usual song
Johannes Manjrekar, India

blue moon
somewhere a turtle
will lay her eggs
This is the blue moon of 2012
as it appeared above our street last night! :)
Ella Wagemakers, Holland
all the males
doing the laundry ---
blue moon
Bee Jay, Australia

Shared by Zaya Nergui, Mongolia
summer's end ~
cloud-wisps veil its face
this blue moon
Elaine Andre, USA

blue moon
I lost you once again
in my dreams
Christine L. Villa, USA
blue moon
merging into a puddle
tadpole's tail
Kathy Uyen Nguyen, USA

Gillena Cox, Trinidad and Tobago
blue moon
beckoning warm winds
to linger
Angelo B. Ancheta, Philippines
blue moon night -
there must be something
behind these rainclouds
Gabi Greve
August 2012, Japan

Related words
***** . The Moon, O-Tsukisama .
kigo for all seasons
. WKD - LIST of haiku topics and keywords
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