. Legends about the Skull .
skull (dokuro, sharekoobe 髑髏)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
The skull is a bony structure in the head of many animals that supports the structures of the face and forms a cavity for the brain.

The skull is composed of two parts: the cranium and the mandible.
A skull without a mandible is only a cranium. Animals that have skulls are called craniates. The skull is a part of the skeleton.
Functions of the skull include protection of the brain, fixing the distance between the eyes to allow stereoscopic vision, and fixing the position of the ears to help the brain use auditory cues to judge direction and distance of sounds. In some animals, the skull also has a defensive function (e.g. horned ungulates); the frontal bone is where horns are mounted.
The English word "skull" is probably derived from Old Norse "skalli" meaning bald, while the Latin word cranium comes from the Greek root κρανίον (kranion).
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. Shigeru Mizuki (水木 しげる Mizuki Shigeru) .
. Gashadokuro, Gasha Dokuro がしゃどくろ rattling skull .
kitsunebi ya dokuro ni ame no tamaru yo ni
fox fire -
on the night when the skull
gathers rain
. "fox fire", kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび) .
chirizuka no dokuro ni akeru aota kana
on the compost heap
with a skull the sun rises
above green fields . . .
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
Cloudy morning
I hit the skull
like a drum
. Ozawa Minoru 小澤實 .
mugi aomu dore mo na no aru sharekoobe
barley becomes green -
all those famous names
of the skulls
Miyamoto Chikako 宮本千賀子
Related words
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- #dokuro #skull #sharekobe -
1 comment:
21 legends to explore
Tokyo, Bunkyo ward:
At the slope はとり坂 / 服部坂 Hatorizaka thre is a Zen temple called しうりん院 Shiurin-In.
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