Healing and Therapy through Haiku
The motto of my own haiku forum is:
A Haiku a day keeps the Doctor away!
And a Happy Haiku works Wonders on a Weary Soul.
. Haiku Forum : Musings about Happiness .

The Healing Spirit of Haiku
David H. Rosen, Joel Weishaus, Arthur Okamura
For David H. Rosen and Joel Weishaus, haiku represents a healing union of intuition and sensation, past and present, self and other, ordinary and extraordinary, and current and ancient memories. In this simple, compelling book, the authors, who have lived and traveled extensively in Japan, offer 172 haikus that resonate with Zen Buddhist, Shinto, and Taoist insights. Underscoring the philosophy "moments, moments, that is life," the book takes readers beyond the ego into a healing realm of simple, archetypal words.
This book is a haibun of psyche, an exchange of poetry and prose between two old friends who set out to accomplish a soulful journey together.
source : www.amazon.co.jp
Friends have asked about the healing effect of haiku and its use in therapy:
does anyone here know where I can find literature about haiku and psychotherapy?
source : facebook

CLICK for more : Healing and Haiku
temple in summer -
the power of healing
in prayer and stone
夏の寺 祈りと石に癒されし
Tempel im Sommer -
die Kraft der Heilung
in Gebet und Stein
The Breath of Surrender:
A Collection of Recovery-Oriented Haiku
edited by Robert Epstein, Published by MET Press
In The Breath of Surrender, haiku poet and psychotherapist Robert Epstein brings together the haiku and recovery communities, whose unique perspectives expand our appreciation of the world within and around us. Whether new to, or widely traveled on, the path of recovery, readers will discover new wholes in their lives sparked by the courage, strength and hope in these inspiring poems.
Baltimore, Maryland November 4, 2009
The Breath of Surrender: A Collection of Recovery-Oriented Haiku edited by Robert Epstein has been published as a trade paperback by MET Press of Baltimore, Maryland. Often described as
"wordless" due to its brevity and directness, haiku poetry highlights, and celebrates, our often unseen connection with nature.
Recovery from the hell realms of addiction: alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, over-eating, makes possible a reunion with life and one's fellow beings.
In The Breath of Surrender he first collection of its kind Haiku poet and psychotherapist Robert Epstein brings together the haiku and recovery communities, whose unique perspectives
expand our appreciation of the world within and around us. Whether new to, or widely traveled on, the path of recovery, readers will discover new wholes in their lives sparked by the courage, strength and hope in the inspiring poems that fill these pages.
"The addicted brain is a museum of distorted pictures. Recovery brings forth a new framing of images that is well-captured in this unique collection of poems.
Those at every stage of recovery can hang these poetic images on the mental walls that have been left so bare by addiction."
Fred Von Stieff, MD, MBA,
About Author:
Robert Epstein is a licensed Clinical Psychologist who practices psychotherapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has worked in the field of recovery treatment since 1980. ...
source : haikuinformation
There is a Zen story about
how a single breath can free us
from the confines of our intellectualizing
and unite us with all creation.
Tokusan was a brilliant scripture scholar who went to study with Zen Master Ryutan.
One night as Tokusan was leaving to go home to bed after a long evening of discussion, he noticed that it was pitch black outside. Zen master Ryutan lit a lantern and handed it to Tokusan. Just as Tokusan reached for the lantern, Ryutan blew it out.
In that moment, Tokusan experienced enlightenment and bowed in gratitude.
Tokusan realized that he was not dependent upon words and teachings to light the way for him. Even in times of darkness, he could experience his essential nature directly and be a lamp unto himself.

Ellen Birx in "Healing Zen"
Buddhist Wisdom on Compassion, Caring, and Caregiving for Yourself and Others
haiku -
a single breath
can free us
early morning -
the healing power
of birdsong
Morgenfrühe -
die heilende Kraft
des Gesangs der Vögel
Shoma Morita, founder of Morita therapy,
and haiku poet Shiki:
origin of Morita therapy.
A hypothesis that Shiki's struggle for life probably influenced the creation of Morita therapy is presented. Although Morita had no personal acquaintance with Shiki, they did have three common friends in Terada, Wakao and Katori. Considering this, as well as the renown of Shiki's works, Morita likely knew much of Shiki and may have been deeply impressed by his approach to life. Several essential concepts of Morita therapy such as absolute bed-rest, anguish and deliverance,
"Aru ga mama," "Jijitsu Yuishin," desire to live, and
the importance of keeping a diary can be found in Shiki's lifestyle and in his literary theory.
Moriyama N.
SourceYahata Kosei Hospital, Kitakyushu, Japan.
source : ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
Things found on the way

Iyashi no Haiku 癒しの俳句 Healing Haiku
Reference :
- Haiku and Psychotherapy
Healing power of spring green
powerful buds
today’s green is
all shades of green -
the painter
in silence
hugging a tree
hugging a forest
hugging the world
Gabi Greve, Spring 2004
Related words
***** - Haiku Theory Archives -
. WKD - LIST of haiku topics and Keywords
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