Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Animal
These symbols of peace are almost everywhere on all continents.

Let us look at some kigo with this animal.
nest of the dove, hato no su 鳩の巣
kigo for all SPRING
cooing like a pigeon, hatobue 鳩笛
..... hato fuki 鳩吹
"wind blowing the pigeon flute", hato fuku kaze
kigo for early AUTUMN
Hunters of deer and wild boars use this as a sign to communicate, because it imitates the dove and is not suspicious in a forest. You can imitate the sound of a dove when placing your two hands together and blow through the thumbs.
evening smoke--
on the man playing pigeon flute
it hangs
yuu keburi hato fuku hito ni kakari keri
Kobayashi Issa, 1809
Tr. David Lanoue
Hatobue is also a well-loved toy for children.

. Folk Toys of Japan - hatobue .
The doves are the 308 species of near passerine birds in the order Columbiformes. The terms dove and pigeon are used interchangeably, although smaller species are more likely to be called doves.
The species commonly referred to just as the "pigeon" is the feral Rock Dove.
Pigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy cere.
The usually flimsy nests are made of sticks, and the two white eggs are incubated by both sexes. Doves feed on seeds, fruit and other soft plantstuff. Unlike most other birds, the doves and pigeons produce "crop milk", which is secreted by a sloughing of fluid-filled cells from the lining of the crop. Both sexes produce this highly nutritious substance to feed to the young.
This family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones. It is related to the extinct dodos. The young doves and pigeons are called 'squabs'.
A person who keeps pigeons is called a 'pigeon fancier'.
Read more in the WIKIPEDIA : Pigeons and Doves

A dove up on the branches 枝上の鳩
Hashimoto Kansetsu 橋本関雪
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Worldwide use
Taube, Wildtaube, Ringeltaube.
Besser ein Spatz in der Hand als eine Taube auf dem Dach.
It is better to have a sparrow in your hand than a dove on your roof.
Things found on the way
© From Cathy Williams, May 2007
"It was such a treasure
to be so close to this nest -
I'd like to share it."
The dove is the sacred animal of Hachiman shrines in Japan.
. Warrior Deity Hachiman 八幡神 .
Zufluch suchen
in Buddha's Licht -
eine Taube am Morgen

taking shelter
in the Buddha's light -
a dove in the morning
© Photo and Haiku by Gabi Greve, 2005
Look at more photos here.
... ... ... ... ...
白き鳩 愛に包まれ 夏の夜
shiroki hato - ai ni tsutsumare natsu no yoru
white doves -
cloaked all in love
on this summer night
Gabi Greve, June 2006
hato no koe kikitsutsu haka o araikeri
listening to
the calling of the pidgeons -
cleaning the graves
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Sanyuutei 三遊亭らん丈
main street still slumbers
pink snow drifts on blacktop road
mourning dove coo coos...
©2004 judith meskill
three doves
on a street lamp
splish splash
Geert Verbeke
Look at a photo to this haiku by Museki Abe
Photo Haiku Gallery
parking lot . . .
a windblown buggy
carries pigeons
dustin neal
Posted at Happy Haiku Forum, June 2006
somehow comforting
to wake up to--
the mourning dove's
repeated cooo
Larry Bole
doves coo
loudely in my valley -
snow on the pines
Gabi Greve
January 2012

autumn breeze
the song of a mourning dove
across the meadows
Dilpreet Chahal
India, March 2012
evening rain
in the roses
the stillness of a dove
- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words

Kano Isen'in Hoin Eishin 狩野伊川院
yokai database - 55 legends to explore
鳩の字 / 山鳩 / 山鳩,八幡大菩薩 . . .
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
shiroki hato <>
ai ni tsutsumareshi < 8 letters >
natsu no yoru
ai ni tsutsumare< 7 letters >
I think 7 is enough in this haiku.
Which one do you like?
hidden treasures please
the morning dove in the trees
how sweet is it's song
Cathy Williams / luckycat
Probably taking a break from their cages ...
walking in circles
in the village square
two fat pigeons
:>) Ella Wagemakers
mourning dove
answers mourning dove--
coolness after the rain
--Wally Swist
(The Silence Between Us, Brooks Books, 2005)
hatoguruma はと車 - 鳩車 dove on wheels
Nozawa onsen village 野沢温泉村 - made from akebia vines
fukubato, fuku hato omamori 福鳩お守り amulet with auspicious dove
This amulet is only sold from the first day of the New Year until Setsubun in February.
Once in summer there was a long period without rain in the Ikegami area and the farmers were worried about their fields and the crops. Then suddenly they saw a dove flying from Honmon-Ji to a rock and picking at it. When they dug below the rock suddenly clear water begun to flow - a new well was born. They could bring water to the fields and drink again. To show their gratefulness the temple begun to offer an amulet with this the auspicious dove.
Ikegami Honmon-Ji 池上本門寺 and Saint Nichiren
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