Season Words (kigo) and Haiku
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Kigo, well, that is what the whole World Kigo Database is all about.
Once in a while I get a haiku about this topic, or even a HAIKU about HAIKU, so here is a collection to have some fun !
Gabi Greve

The Art of Haiku:
Its History through Poems and Paintings
by Japanese Masters
Stephen Addiss
Haiku Day, Haiku no Hi, 俳句の日
August 19, 19th day of the eigths month
kigo for early Autumn
Japanese play with words and sounds ...
ha i ku
HA 八 hachigatsu 八月 : august
I 一 ichi : one
KU 九 kyuu : nine
It started to be used as a kigo by Tsubouchi Nenten 坪内稔典 in 1992.
another HAIKU NO HI was
05 07 05
in the Year 2005
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
ware ni hokku no omoi ari
blue flag iris -
thoughts of a hokku
in my mind
Matsuo Basho
Discussion of this haiku
. "Kakitsubata" 杜若 Iris laevigata .
world haiku...
one man's kigo,
is another's topic
~Vaughn Seward [CAN.AB] May 2006
Unpleasant days:
days I don't walk, days without booze,
haikuless days.
Taneda Santôka (Santoka)
a frog chats with
a buttefly on fullmoon day ~
human kigo problem
Narayanan Raghunathan, India, July 2006
.... What is the sound
.... of one frog jumping?
.... [haiku]
<><><> Chibi
the great void
takes shape NOW ...
Gabi Greve, September 2006
bright summer sky -
fragments of haiku clutter
the clear mind
© Gabi Greve, May 2005
wordless poem ?
yes, a wordless poem
a wordless poem
. Wordless Poem ... Discussion
akikaze ya ganchuu no mono mina haiku
autumn wind -
everything I see
is a haiku
Takahama Kyoshi
Autumn wind:
Everything meeting one’s eyes
Is a haiku
source : tr. Terebess
haikai wa hotondo kotoba sukoshi Kyoshi
haikai is
mostly about words
a bit about Kyoshi
Tsukushi Bansei 筑紫磐井 (1950 - )
Kung-fu Haiku
Swift oriental
martial art with seventeen
Michael R. Collings, USA, 2007
virtual silence
nobody comments
on my haiku
© Gabi Greve, August 2007
the mirror reflects the word
Beryl Ellecy
Kenya, February 2011
mix it, shake it and call it haiku :
Italian Pizza <>
with anchovis and a topping of
hot chocolate sauce
create your own pizza
I wrote about the strange mixture because some friends seem to mix anything
together and call the result HAIKU, regardless of any concept of the .. real ..
ingredients of a Japanese haiku.
Gabi Greve, September 2007
... ...
I believe you're right, Gabi ... and sometimes I make that mistake, too ... wish you would comment when I do.
... ...
ewww! That's as bad a combination as what some people call chili.
sweet peppers
and beans
where is the beef?
There is no such thing as vegetarian chili in my book.
A haiku friend
... ...
gabi's pizza
for dessert
Bill K.
family reunion
--again explaining
what a haiku is
Garry Gay
Haiku Poets of Northern California
how to make roses
from autumn leaves --
my haiku life
Gabi Greve, . . . . . for the Russian see :
Origa san has a great page !
In Russian, with many more haiku about haiku !
spring begins -
a dead sparrow
at my doorstep
English Haiku -
how important it seems
to be different !
Gabi Greve, March 2009
free verse -
is haiku more
or less ?
Gabi Greve, September 2010
Is Haiku Poetry?
Mt. Fuji seen whole:
how beautiful & pointless
to write a haiku
haiku conference:
so many sticky egos
on a summer day
Larry Bole
February 2012
. Collection of Haiku about Haiku.
Related words
silence ...
another frog in the
renku pond
Renku Beads, March 2009
Play on words
children composing
8 (ha), 1 (i), 9 (ku)
Doc Sunday
source : www.asahi.com, October 2010
The pronounciation of the numbers eight (HAchi), one (Ichi) and nine (KU), as we have seen for HAIKU NO HI above.
haiku bar -
we serve only drinks
with tender kigo
Gabi Greve, November 2013
Inspired by a discussion with friends :
- senryu and kyoka on facebook
***** Gabi Greve : Haiku Theory Archives
the great void
takes shape NOW ...
Dear Gabi,
What a wonderful haiku!
dandelion clock
gone with the wind...
Natalia L. Rudychev
personal kigo
the same pain
as this time last year
John Stevenson
Upstate Dim Sum -
A Biannual Anthology of Haiku and Senryu
haiku conference:
the stickiness of egos
on a humid day
happy haiku forum
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