Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
- and his hometown, Matsuyama 松山 -
. . SHIKI - Cultural Keywords and ABC-List . .
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Shiki Masaoka, Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
the haiku poet, was born in Matsuyama in 1867. He died on September 19,1902.
Shiki is well known in Japan for introducing a new style of haiku, a short poetic form, and for enhancing the arts.
The word Shiki can also mean "The four seasons 四季" in Japanese.
The seasons are very important in Japanese haiku, so Shiki is an appropriate name for the haiku server.
Shiki's career
Shiki's paintings
Shiki's haiku (in Kim's haiku world)
After Basho,Buson & Issa
© source : haiku.cc.ehime-u.ac.jp/~shiki . . .
. Shiki ki 子規忌 memorial day of Shiki .
(1867, October 14 - 1902, September 19)
Shiki Memorial Museum - search for his haiku :
source : sikihaku.lesp.co.jp/community/search
A haiku friend asked: WHO was Matsuyama?
Well, here is the answer.
Matsuyama is an old castle town on the Western side of the Island of Shikoku, where Masaoka Shiki used to live and teach haiku.
The famous novel "Botchan" by Natsume Soseki also takes place in Matsuyama. It is a town full of literature inspirations.

And the old hot spring Dogo Onsen is a great place to relax.
Gabi Greve
. WKD : Masaoka Shiki and Matsuyama 松山 .
In his youth, he was called NOBO, or NOBO SAN by his friends
升(のぼ)さん(正岡子規の幼名) / のぼさん
This was short for his real name, Noboru 升(のぼる).
Sometimes mis-spelled Nobu-San.
Masaoka Noboru
Masaoka Tsunenori (正岡 常規)
Tokoronosuke (処之助) and later Noboru (升).
Later he used the Chinese characters 野球 (yakyuu, baseball) as his pen name.
This is a pun on the reading
no 野 and 球 : ボール ball (のぼーる)- Nobooru .
By the way Shiki used more than 100 pen-names during his life as a writer.
(The man with the most pen names: Shiki)
- just a few
- source : dokidoki.ne.jp -
. Nobo san のぼさん
and Masaoka Shiki Memorial Days
Shiki liked baseball quite a lot.

harukaze ya mari o nagetaki kusa no hara
LOOK at a great haiga by Kuni san.
- source : seehaikuhere.blogspot.jp
Haiku is poetry
that expresses itself through season words.
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
17 September 1867 – 19 September 1902
Details in the WIKIPEDIA

Now, To Be! Shiki’s Haiku Moments for Us Today
edited by Masako Hirai (Hirai Masako 平井雅子).
Gyouga-Manroku 仰臥漫録 Gyooga Manroku, Gyōga manroku, GYÔKA-MANROKU
(Stray Notes While Lying on My Back).
. his FAMILY - His sister Ritsu 律 .
- his mother Yae 八重
- his grandfather Oohara Kanzan 大原観山 Ohara Kanzan, the Confucian scholar
Visiting Shiki’s House
The home of Masaoka Shiki in Tokyo in the Negishi District of Tokyo was often referred to as
"Negishi no sato no wabizumai", the simple abode of the retired poet.
. Masaoka Shiki in Negishi .
furusato ya oya sukoyaka ni sushi no aji
my dear hometown -
my mother is well and
the taste of sushi
. Matsuyama sushi 松山鮓 and Masaoka Shiki
. Shiki and his furusato hometown haiku .
Masaoka Shiki: the Misunderstood Reformer, Critic and Poet
Carmen Sterba, 2011
A "Sketch from Life" was One of Shiki's Many Techniques
According to Japanese poetry expert, Ueda Makoto, "Shiki mentored numerous amateur poets; therefore, he devised the sketch-of-life technique to avoid "decorative words, ornamental language, and self-conscious imaginings." In Modern Japanese Poets, Ueda shares that Shiki believed it was vital to write from experience and saw "at least two fatal flaws" to avoid: The falsification of fact and the tendency to be overly intellectual." Some other suggestions Shiki gave were
(1) to "pay more attention to lesser-known locales" rather than famous places,
(2) to walk and observe nature, but afterwards write at home,
(3) to focus on "material and theme in a way that will reveal [your] individuality,"
(4)to read other's haiku to be informed, and
(5) to know something of the history of tanka (originally called waka).
Ueda also suggests that Basho wrote about the "beauty of external nature" and Shiki wrote haiku based on "internal, psychological reality of what is truthful (makoto)."
Shiki Admired Basho Even While He Criticized Him
Shiki's Last Years and the Importance of His Friends
source : carmen-sterba.suite101.com
Centenary of the Death of Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902)
Masaoka Shiki’s literary carrier burst into literature when the majority of authors were copying limitlessly the European and American literature of the Meiji restoration period. His poetical style was the shasei, meaning “drawing from life”. Using this informal, spoken language, he dared to enounce the importance of going back to the traditional roots of Japanese poetry, calling it a source in the process of defining modern Japanese modes of expression.
source : World Haiku Review . Susumu Takiguchi
四国の作家 正岡子規 俳句
Haiku and kigo used by Shiki

Selected Poems of Masaoka Shiki
Translated by Janine Beichman
- page with many samples
source : etext.lib.virginia.edu
Masaoka Shiki, Books and online
. WKD : Further Reference .
His grave is in Tokyo, at the temple
. Dairyuuji 大龍寺 Dairyu-Ji .
東京都北区田端4-18-4 / 4-chōme-18-4 Tabata, Kita
Things found on the way
A good friend of Shiki
. Natsume Sooseki 夏目漱石 Natsume Soseki .
haru ya mukashi sen gohyakuman goku no jooka kana
"Spring season reminds me of the capital town of 150,000 goku."
When you walk around in the Matsuyama town, you will find, in many places, haiku monuments and haiku posts at which you can mail a brandnew haiku you have just created.
source : infocreate.co.jp/en/shikoku/matsuyam ...
it's spring - in olden times
the castle town of
onehundred and fiftythousand KOKU
The richness of a domain in the Edo period was calculated in barrels or bags of tax rice (koku, ...goku) and 150.000 barrels was not that much, but Shiki was proud of his hometown.
jooka , below the castle, is short for .. jooka machi 城下町 .. , the town at the feet of a domain's caslte. Nowadays the word is often used with a lot of nostalgia for the good old times in the Edo period.
The castle of Matsuyama is right up on a large hill, overlooking the city and can bee seen from many small streets in the town.
Gabi Greve : Translating Haiku Forum
- quote
This is a haiku which is not found in the major English translations of Shiki's haiku, probably for the reason that Ad G. Blankestijn gives:
"[it] is unfortunately not very beautiful in translation..."
According to Blankestijn, there is a haiku stone with this haiku on it just outside the JR Matsuyama station.
it's spring!
when this was a castle town
it was a prosperous one!
Tr. and Comment by Larry Bole -
. jookamachi, 城下町 Jokamachi, castle towns .
子規 逝くや十七日の月明に
Shiki iku ya jushichi-nichi no getsumei ni
Shiki passed away
on the moonlit night
of September
Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子
Kyoshi was with Shiki beside his deathbed.
Masaoka Shiki, a haiku poet, went to his eternal rest on Sept. 19th, 1902. Released from many years' struggle with his deadly disease, he completed his life of 35 years in peace. September 19th is the 110th anniversary of Shiki's death.
Shiki is probably the greatest personality Matsuyama has ever produced. He is great not because he left behind so many haiku poems but because he endured an extraordinarily harsh and intensive life without ever losing mental energy to the last and because he lived as a sincere and real human being. He was great because he had exceptionally strong will power. He was great because he remained optimistic and retained a sense of humor despite the fact that he could see only a hopeless future with severe pains just partially relieved with morphine.
Shiki left Matsuyama for Tokyo at the age of 16 with the ambition of becoming a prime minister, but contracted a tuberculosis at age 20, which was regarded as an incurable disease in those days.
Shiki is great for his writing, his unique personality and his nonpareil way of life in total. No one underestimates his achievements in haiku renovation, but in regards to sketch theory as a technique of writing haiku, there will always be some contemporary haiku poets who are negative about Shiki's accomplishments.
Matsuyama Outloud, September 2012
source : home.e-catv.ne.jp
"teizen 庭前" Front Garden
keitoo no juushigohon mo arinubeshi
There should be
Fourteen or fifteen.
tr. Blyth
My comment
In a recent documentary about the life of Shiki, I saw the cockscombs in his garden, a flower he liked very much. When he could not move around any more, his sitster, who cared for him lovingly, planted the flowers a bit closer to the veranda. Later, when he had to be in bed all the time, she re-planted them again so that he could still see them when he uplifted his upper body, holding on to a crutch under his arm. Counting the blossoms was one of his daily joys in his sickbed.
When he became completely bedridden, she replanted many flowers, including the hechima gourds, directly on the veranda in pots, so he could see them while lying on his back in bed.
Gabi Greve, January 2010
Read more about the translations of this haiku
. Cockscomb and Shiki
matsu sugi ya kareno no naka no Fudōdō
pine and cypress:
in a withered field,
a shrine to Fudō
mihotoke ni shirimuke oreba tsuki suzushi
I turn my back
on Buddha and face
the cool moon
suzushisa ya kami to hotoke no tonaridoshi
in the coolness
gods and Buddhas
dwell as neighbors
Read many more here:
Poetry of Shiki, translated by Janine Beichman
Shiki about Basho, Issa and Chiyo-Ni
harukaze ya shiro arawaruru matsu no ue
spring breeze -
the castle shows
above the pines
Here he talks about his beloved Matsuyama castle.
haru no shimo itoyuu to natte moenikeri
spring frost
becomes a heat shimmer and
burns to its end
Tr. Gabi Greve
haru no shimo ?shiyuu to natte moenikeri
fune to kishi to hanashite iru hinaga kana
discussion of anthropomorphism and haiku
- WASHOKU - Food Haiku by Masaoka Shiki
Shiki has written many haiku including the name of a temple or shrine during his travels in Japan.
. WKD - Masaoka Shiki visiting Shrines and Temples .
- reference -
Shiki traveling in Tohoku - Hateshirazu no ki はて知らずの記
source : ms-hatesirazu
Shiki Haiku Collection of the Four Seasons - 俳句案内
source : haiku/siki
fuku Daruma kowaki ni burari Shiki no machi
. a lucky Daruma
under my arm - walking leisurely
in the town of Shiki
source : mineotose

Saka no ue no kumo 坂の上の雲
Clouds above the slope
"Saka no ue no kumo" centers around Yoshifuru Akiyama (Hiroshi Abe), his older brother Saneyuki Akiyama (Masahiro Motoki), and poet Masaoka Shiki (Teruyuki Kagawa) during the Russo-Japanese War.
The drama depicts Japan's modernization in the Meiji era through the help of the Akiyama brothers.
It is based on a novel by Ryotaro Shiba.
- Reference -
This movie became so popular, there are even some manju sweets

坂の上の雲 饅頭
Related words
***** WKD : Santoka and Sake 山頭火と酒
Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets
Fudo Myo-O, a Japanese Deity - 不動明王
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
. . SHIKI - Cultural Keywords and ABC-List . .
Matsuyama, die Haiku-Stadt
- #masaoka - Masaokah
Shiki's 140th Anniversary HPR Conference 2007:
Matsuyama, Japan
writing too much ...
From Janine Beichman's book, "Masaoka Shiki" (Kodansha, first paperback edition, 1986, p. 51):
Looking back in 1902, Shiki wrote that by 1893 he had come to understand how to write poems depicting real scenes, but had not yet discovered the importance of selection:
"I mistakenly thought that any real scene could be made into a poem."
Consequently, he went on, he had written too much.
Japan Times
A Japanese poet who found his true nature through nature itself
On Sept. 21 on this page, in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the death of the poet, scientist and religious thinker Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933), I turned to him for inspired insight into the Japanese view of nature.
Miyazawa threw himself into the natural world, seeing himself as a minuscule part of it and delighting in its most dramatic appearances.
Another poet, an early contemporary of Miyazawa, Shiki Masaoka (1867-1902), created a world, in his haiku and tanka, of a highly sharpened sentiment. Among his more than 20,000 poems, a great many depict the individual — often himself — in a natural setting. The result is a revelation about both the observer and the observed world.
In Nov. 2004, I wrote here about Shiki — the convention with this poet is to use his given name — as a pioneer of modernity in Japanese letters. Here I would like to take a look at him as someone who opened our eyes to the absolute and vital importance of nature to our understanding of ourselves.
Our feeling for nature starts early, and is part of our own physicality. A little child takes one step The green grass Under her sole
Here we can see that a single step on the young grass brings a child in direct contact with something else that is also growing. Another kind of joy is experienced when we return to our hometown after a long absence: Where did all these cousins come from In my hometown The peach tree is flowering
In Japan, peach blossom is a harbinger of spring. Depending of course on the region, the plum flowers in February; the peach in March; and the cherry in April. Shiki has gone home to meet his cousins who have been born in his absence.
Some of his haiku are classical in theme and composition. Continuing with the theme of spring, this classic image is somehow portentous: A crow has stopped On the earthen wall In the spring rain
Finally spring ends . . .
A fleur-de-lis
All the whiter
For the end of spring
Shiki, who went off to the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) as a war correspondent and developed a serious case of tuberculosis, spent his last years in and out of a sickbed. Autumn for him implies decay: An autumn fly is resting In my sickroom On my warm window
It is still warm, perhaps even an Indian summer, but both the fly and the patient seem to be living longer than their alloted spans.
The fly reappears often:
Autumn fly
The swatters are full
Of holes
The notion that something can be full of holes, i.e. emptiness, is the kind of Zen image that Shiki savors. It is these holes, no doubt there due to previous blows, that save this long-lived fly. The persimmon tree is similarly a symbol of autumn in Japanese traditional poetry; this one tells of Shiki's time confined to his room: I read through 3,000 haiku Ate two persimmons
Eventually, however, his thoughts turn to darker things:
The gods are leaving me
The spirits are leaving me
As autumn gives in to winter
I mentioned decay; and surely the natural process of decay and dying away is a main theme in traditional poetry, which is deeply inspired by Buddhism. Winter brings to Shiki's mind his own approaching fate:
The tolling of the bell
Comes to me in a ring
On long nights
The "ring" here is the echo of the tolling as the sound leaves the temple and circles the neighborhood. Is the path in the next haiku one that he must take?
The path drops off
Just outside the front gate
Into a wintry cluster of trees
Does the dawning of the first day of the year bring any hope?
The morning sun on New Year's Day
Is dazzling, blinding
So low in the sky . . . and so close
On this day, people generally make a pilgrimage to a shrine, but . . .
Not many souls
Are seen
On New Year's Day
While Kenji Miyazawa sees nature as a vessel that encompasses all creatures and everything that they see, for Shiki (who likewise died young of TB), nature is a mirror: You can see yourself reflected in it, but it is not a part of you. Both celebrate nature, but Shiki laments its losses. For Kenji, there is no true loss, because all life is recycled, reborn in another form.
Yet, even though Shiki is bedridden, he does not give up . . .
I stretch my neck
To catch glimpses
Of the bush clover in my garden
Bush clover is one of Japan's seven traditional plants of autumn. We see that there is still a life force in Shiki. He is striving to gain strength and joy from those glimpses. He wants to live, and to celebrate the bright aspects of life. In May in Japan, households hoist a carp pennant celebrating there being young boys in the family.
Five daughters then finally a boy
And the first carp pennant
Is hoisted into the air!
Shiki loved baseball, which had been introduced into Japan in 1872, when he was age 5. But there is sadness when something's season has passed . . . T
he white lines of the baseball diamond
Are enclosed
By thick tall weeds
And sometimes, nature is no friend of its recordists . . .
All my blank sheets of paper
Are taken by the wind
Of a summer storm
Well, at least he hadn't written anything on them yet, so perhaps the season was telling him to just watch and not record.
Here is a tanka of winter; inside is sickness, but outside we see an image of everyday life and activity.
Confined the winter
To my sickbed I wipe the frost
From the sliding door glass
To see tabi socks
drying on the line
After Shiki came home from China, he returned to his native town of Matsuyama in the southern island of Shikoku, staying there with the novelist Soseki Natsume. It was at this time, I believe, that he realized how grave his illness was.
Looking down
On the castle at Matsuyama
The cold is piercing
Shiki Masaoka was Japan's greatest poetic iconoclast. His haiku and tanka reveal a man whose humanity was profoundly involved in all the nuanced transformations of his country's nature. There is a joie de vivre in him, mixed inextricably with reverence for things that decay and fall: the special kind of Japanese morbidity that harbors vitality.
When autumn arrives, he eats rice cakes, a symbol of the new year that he may or may not see . . .
Every day in my sickbed
Munching on rice cakes
I'm in heaven
(All translations in this article are by Roger Pulvers.)
The Japan Times
(C) All rights reserved
tonari sumu hinshi ni mochi o wakachi-keri
with the poor man
who lives next door
I share some mochi
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
byoojoo no nioibukuro ya asaki haru
the fragrance bag
on my sick bed -
early spring
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規
Tr. Gabi Greve
Matsuyama no shiro o miorosu samusa kana
looking down from above
Matsuyama Castle
Masaoka Shiki
harukaze ya Daijinguu no hashiradate
spring wind -
setting up a pillar
at shrine Daijingu
Masaoka Shiki
mihotoke ni shirimuke oreba tsuki suzushi
I turn my back
on the Buddha statue -
the moon is cool
Shiki wrote an essay "hateshirazu no ki はて知らずの記" (kind of "never-ending story")
on his trip to Tohoku region (North-East Japan) during the 26th year of Meiji (1893). There is a description that he stayed at a temple named Iidesan Manpukuji (飯出山満輻寺 / 満福寺). This haiku was written there.
He must have laid himself in the garden with the Buddha statue behind and looking at the moon....
- Thanks to Hideo Suzuki !
kurimeshi ya Meguro no chaya no hokku-kai (発句会)
rice with chestnuts -
the hokku meeting at the tea shop
in Meguro
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
MORE about Meguro in Edo
mizugaki ya sugi honokuraku ume shiroshi
this fence of the shrine -
the cedar trees slightly dark
the plum blossoms white
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - 1893.
MORE about shrine fences
正岡子規句集 年代別 3359句
Masaoka Shiki
3359 haiku listed to the kigo he used!
abotu miyamori
miyamori no saisen hirou ochiba kana
miyamori no haki-atsumetaru tsubaki kana
eboshi kite Kamo no miyamori suzumikeri
kamisugi ya sanbyakunen no tsuta momiji
divine pine trees -
and the red leaves of ivy
for three hundred years
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 and the divine pine
mimizu naku ya tsuchi no daruma wa moto no tsuchi
a mole cricket's song -
a Daruma from earth
goes back to earth
mole cricket
harukaze ya Eitaibashi no hitodoori
spring breeze -
all these people walking
over Eitaibashi bridge
. The Eitaibashi Bridge
Isaniwa Jinja 伊佐爾波神社
above Dogo Onsen
Priest Mongaku
hiyamugi kuu zoo wa Mongaku no gyoo ni samo nitari
the monk who eats
chilled wheat noodles resembles
priest Mongaku in his asceticism . . .
shibu-iru no kesa kita zoo no juuya kana
the old priest,
wears a light brown kesa
for the 10th night prayers . . .
more about the kesa
Masaoka Shiki (正岡子規) digital archive:
ushiro kara sasaebashira ya ubazakura
the pillar supporting it
from behind -
this Ubazakura tree
Tr. Gabi Greve
From his haiku collection called 姥桜.
more about ubazakura
tokobashira 床柱 alcove post
to be translated
Masaoka Shiki Digital Archive,
11 titles added.
Hosei Daigaku University
Izakaya in Edo 江戸の居酒屋
izakaya no mado in nashi saku usuzukiyo
at the window of the pub
a nashi pear is in blossom -
night with a hazy moon
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
kangiku ya daiku wa hidari jingoroo
chrysanthemum in the cold -
the carpenter is Hidari
More about Jingoro
kakejaya, kake chaya 掛け茶屋 / 掛茶屋 refreshment shops
simple roadside stalls with small seats or benches. They had simple yoshizu 葦簾 reed screens to provide some shade.
kakejaya no hokori ni suwaru atsusa kana
it is so hot
I sit down in the dust
of a wayside tea stall . . .
temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands
mitarashi 御手洗
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 has quite a lot during all seasons.
aomono vegetables in Edo
harukaze ya aomono ichi no ato hiroshi
spring wind -
the remains of the vegetable market
are quite large
at Senju 千住 in Tokyo
koorogi ya aomono ichi no koboreha ni
this cricket -
it sits on a fallen leaf
at the vegetable market
Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji
Matsuyama-shi, Miyuki, 1 Chome−442−1
天狗泣き 天狗笑ふや 秋の風
tengu naki tengu warau ya aki no kazw
one Tengu cries
one Tengu laughs -
autumn wind
秋の山 御幸寺と申し 天狗住む
aki no yama miyukiji to moshi tengu sumu
mountain in autumn
it is called Miyuki-Ji
and Tengu live there
秋の水 天狗の影や うつるらん
- from my post in facebook :
did not change the three conditions of Haiku.
He changed the way to use the Japanese language (rather formal in poetry written by educated people thus far)
and he wanted anybody to write (poetry and prose) and thus promoted a simpler use of the Japanese language (it was a problem of the Meiji period and Japan becoming more open).
so Shiki popularized
"haiku for the people" and thus changed the name from Hokku to Haiku.
This is a long discussion,
and needs a good understanding of the Nihongo at the times of Shiki.
Even now I can not read the traditional bungo 文語 text of "Genji monogatari", for example, and have to make use of a translation into modern NIHONGO to be able to understand.
The same for the normal people at the times when Shiki lived.
They could read and write but were not experts in the bungo 文語 "the language of literature".
Therefore Shiki thought it necessary to change writing poetry from that formal language into something more accessible, the "every day language" of people. (He was not the only one at that time involved in this discussion . . . but that is another story).
hokku is identical (at his time) with bungo
haiku was created to write in every-day language about every-day subjects right in front of your eyes, not something related to allusions of the old waka or Chinese poetry or showing off your education of history.
keisei o kamuro torimaku chimaki kana
Kamuro sitting
around a courtesan
eating Chimaki . . .
. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki .
kamuro 禿(かむろ) child attendant of a courtesan
Masaoka Shiki. A House by Itself: Selected Haiku.
Translated by John Brandi and Noriko Kawasaki Martinez.
Introduction by Charles Trumbull.
Buffalo, N.Y.: White Pine Press, 2017. 102 pages.
ISBN 978-1-945680-09-0.
Minowa district in Tokyo
katayorite migi wa Minowa no wakaba kana
Asukayama Park (飛鳥山公園 Asukayama Kōen) Kita ward, Tokyo
hanagumori miyako so sumi no Asukayama
blossom haze -
in a corner of the capital
is Asukayama
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