Uchida Hyakken Memorial Day
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Spring
***** Category: Observance
Uchida Hyakken 内田 百間
May 29, 1889 — April 20, 1971

Uchida Hyakken Memorial Day
Hyakken Ki 百閒忌 (ひゃっけんき)
Hyakki-En Ki 百鬼園忌(ひゃっきえんき)
(the title of one of his works and his poet name)
Mokuren Ki 木蓮忌(もくれんき)
The name HYAKKEN (in Chinese characters written with the MOON, not the Sun in the KEN 間) derives from the river Hyakken 百間川 in Okayama.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of river Hyakkengawa!
He was a Japanese author and academic. He was born in Okayama, to a family of sake brewers whose business later went bankrupt. His real name is Eizo Uchida (内田栄造 Uchida Eizo).
He became a pupil of Natsume Sōseki in 1911. He graduated from Tokyo University (Tokyo Imperial University) in 1914. He became professor of German at Imperial Japanese Army Academy in 1916. He later taught at Hosei University (Tokyo). He is the main subject of Akira Kurosawa's last film, Madadayo.
His novel, Disk of Sarasate (サラサーテの盤 Sarasāte no ban) is the inspiration for the film, Zigeunerweisen.
He is the author of more than fifteen volumes of writings including I am a Cat: The Fake Version, and Gates Close at Dusk.
In Japan he is well known as a passionate railfan and he made some works on railway travel. A great literary figure in Japan, he has but one book translated into English: Realm of the Dead, a collection of short stories whose title work is perhaps his most well known.
A translated excerpt from another collection, Hyakkien Zuihitsu [Jottings from the Goblins' Garden], appeared in the JAL inflight magazine Skyward, January, 2006: "Small Round Things."
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阿房列車 Ahoo Ressha Train
Some of his work and about him
source : xwww.libnet.pref.okayama.jp
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
tai-ami ya hama-kaidoo wa yama ni iri
net for sea breams -
the old beach road leads
into the mountains
Uchida Hyakken
Tr. Gabi Greve
Hamakaido is one of the old trading roads from Edo via Mito toward Iwanuma in Northern Japan, along the Sanriku Beach 三陸浜街道.
Haiku with SEA BREAM
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1 comment:
tai-ami ya hamakaidoo wa yama ni iri
this sea bream net -
the beach road turns
into the mountains
内田百間 Uchida Hyakken (1889 — 1971)
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