Tear, tears (namida)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
are secretions that clean and lubricate the eyes. Lacrimation or lachrymation (from Latin lacrima, meaning "tear") is the production or shedding of tears.

Strong emotions such as sorrow or elation, awe, pleasure, irritation of the eyes, laughing, and yawning may lead to an increased production of tears, or crying.
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Worldwide use
Träne, Tränen
Things found on the way
Tear bottles, lachrymatory bottles
It's difficult to say exactly when the first tear bottles came into being, however, we can be certain that the legends began in antiquity. The Old Testament of the Bible (KJV) references collecting tears in a bottle in Psalm 56:8 when David prays to God,
“Thou tellest my wanderings,
put thou my tears in Thy bottle;
are they not in Thy Book?”
The reference predates the birth of Christ by over 1000 years.

Today, lachrymatory bottles may also be called a tear bottle, tear catcher, tear vial, unguentaria, or unguentarium. There are also several less common spellings for lachrymatory, including lachrimatory.
source : www.lachrymatory.com
i use a lachrymatory phial
to shed tears
- Shared by Prem Menon -
Joys of Japan, july 2012
yuku haru ya tori naki uo no me wa namida
spring is leaving ..
birds sing and the eyes of fish
are full of tears
Matsuo Basho
. WKD : And what kind of fish is this? .
. Haiku about tears - Kobayashi Issa -
old cedar tree -
namida namida no
namu amida
old cedar tree -
with tears in my eyes
I pray to Amida
Look at the tears here :
. Gabi Greve .

Pari sai piero no kuroki namida ato
Paris Festival -
the black traces
of a clown's tears
Saito Yumiko 斉藤由美子
. Pari sai, parisai パリ祭 Paris festival .
Radioactive Tears, Japan, Fukushima 2011
spring rain -
thinking radioactivity
with each drop
. Gabi Greve, April 8, 2011 .
- MORE : haiku about tears -
Related words
***** . namida no shigure 涙の時雨
"tears like a winter drizzle".
"a sleeve wet from cold tears" tamoto no shigure 袖の時雨
..... expressions used since the Heian period
***** . Tora ga Ame 虎が雨 Tears of Lady Tora .
rain on May 28
***** . WKD : Body Parts .
. WKD - LIST of haiku topics and keywords
"We must relearn how to cry.
A strong man cries;
it is the weak man who holds back his tears."
-- Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA
Elder's Meditation of the Day - March 23, 2013
Kobayashi Issa
oku tsuyu wa uma no namida ka aki no yama
is that dew
the horse's tears?
autumn mountain
Tr. David Lanoue
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